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Saturday, February 25, 2012

nanjing chronicles part 4

nanjing (Feb 7, 2012)

wake up wake up! morning routine..and very happy to see the sun shining..smile..the weather forecasted a probabilty of snow today..but i think it will not happen..but still..layer clothes up..

ready for a hearty breakfast again..with sir jun..we headed to the diner's..but hey..the place seems to be closed..no food..no people..no lights..what the..and then a hotel staff brought us to the lobbby..surprise..no buffet breakfast today..it will be breakfast in bed..o well..that's life..go back to 533..and waited..

breakfast..rice pouridge..sausage..egg with tomatoes..boiled egg..dimsums..sticky rice siomai..ampao..and others i don't know what they call it..watermelon for dessert..

and back to the cybernet..my wife happens to be online..chat..she said that our son will have a new pediatrician..good thing because the other pedia charges us tooo much..we're not that rich..haha..i almost lost track of the time because i almost got late going down and they are waitiing for me already..

back to the training center..thanks mr yeng..now i know mr silent driver's name..nosebleeding moments again..tea break..lecture..picture picture..we requested all the copies of the training materials..after, we requested jinjin to bring us to the bank to change some money..some dollars to rmb..and back to nari for early dinner..good food again..yum yum..and got sir jun's yoghurt for he maybe does not like the taste..

i thought we'll be going to the supermarket but the van would be busy so sorry..sigh..hotel prisons again..had some chat with my cousin rona..watch some naruto episodes..email..eyes need to rest..

good night! got to sleep...

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