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Saturday, February 25, 2012

nanjing chronicles part 2

atmosphere (Feb 5, 2012)

about 0625H..the plane left the phillipine soils.it's my first time in cathay pacific airplane..a big plane compared to those we've ride on last time going to shenyang..and the food is great..the sandwich is good..or maybe because i'm just hungry..have'nt had my usual rice breakfast i guess..watch some videos on board..i wanted to sleep..but i really am having a hard time making myself sleep on a travel..i think about 1000H or more..it's a welcome to hongkong!

hongkong (Feb 5, 2012)

hongkong airport..0825H..fall in line..security..fall in line..security..go to gate 19..which happened to be at the other side of the airport..we chose to walk rather than ride the internal train..the airport is way greater than naia..i'm sorry..but its true..

gate 19..wait..opened my laptop..but i can't sign in to my blogspot..grrr..and i happend to install google chrome and updated explorer..just watched movie trailers..wait..and..ding ding ding..the wait is over..fall in line..ready to board..1040H..dragon airlines..goodbye hongkong..

atmosphere (Feb 5, 2012)

the plane is also as big as cathay..but now i was seated at the middle area..looking forward for lunch..good thing..they had a rice&chicken meal..the wait is worth it rather than eat the potato&pork meal..the flavor is now chinese but in fairness..its delicious for an airplane meal..i enjoyed the video program..i watched a magician documentary..he's "dynamo"..and the climax is when he successfully walked on water..on the river water in london..magnificent huh..then change channel..it's a classic "friends" episode..i had to watch this..guilty pleasure of mine..then a new episode of "two and a half men"..i had a dose of american comedy series again..bringing back the years..

najing (Feb 5, 2012)

nanjing this is..1315H..the airport is not that big..fall in line again of course..immigration..fall in line..security..and we're now looking for gen ru..the person who will take us to the hotel..and there he is..the silent guy..which later seems to be silent only because i think he is having a hard time communicating in english..

and then the winter wind slaps me..oh my..this is what they freezing cold..and i have not yet pulled out my big jacket out my luggage..the walk in the parking lot really gave me the realization that winter temperature is not a joke..i better add more layers to my clothing i must..the van took us to the hotel..

1400H..hotel check-in..the hotel is just a walk away from the NARI plant..it's a decent hotel..but i guess not that extravagant compared to the hotels i've been before..do i need to comment more..i rather not..i should be thankful for all of these..room 533..i'm sharing the room with sir junvill..the oldest in the group..and you know who is the youngest in the group (me, of course)..i think he's as old as my father (i guess i'm missing my daddy more..i thought of what if my dad joined me in china..hmmm..)..upon putting my bags and things down..i headed to the table and set-up my laptop to check the internet connection..success..so i browsed a little..check my mails..facebook prohibited in china..even blogspot..so i have no chance to blog this week..now feeling restless..i headed to the bed..and with no less than a minute i think..sleep..zzzzZZZZ..

woke up past 5pm..just watched tv..bbc or cnn..cnn or bbc..the onyl english channel in town i guess..

by 7pm we were picked up by the van..and i must say..until now i haven't had a conversation with the driver..he's a silent type..just drive..no words..mouth shut..maybe i just missed the loudy filipino drivers..harhar..or maybe our driver just don't know even a single english word..i don't know..should i know..oh well..

our first dinner in china is at a cantonese restaurant..we were joined by gen ru and kevin..among all the food served..the one that striked me is the little fried pigeon..it's crispy and tasty..and the tsingtao beer..light beer..and chinese loves beer..so we ought to join them drink to thank their hospitality..we also had red wine..some vegetables..dimsum..some dishes i don't know..but i just ate them..i'll be hungry if i'll be picky..

i can't forget the walk from the doorways to the van..its awfully cold..please hurry up..i'm freezing..

hotel again..thanks mr silent driver..i even don't know his name..

watched some tv news..tv off..sleep..end of day 1..

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