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Thursday, October 30, 2008

anti-thesis: there is no such thing as failure

there is no such thing as failure..it is not even the mere opposite of success..

it is just probably a part of our life when we are faced with a very difficult challenge..and upon facing it, we have accomplished it unsatisfactorily or not within our expectations..

easy to say that everything is gonna be alright..they would always suggest us to look at the brighter side..positivism..that it's not the end of the world..that there's a reason why for its existence..that it's just a bad hair day..that nobody is perfect..something like it's balancing the chih..karma chameleon..blahblahblah..we just hate to admit it..these words might not be useful now..it may ease the suffering..but someday the holistic realization would come..that all happen and that' s it..go on..go on..

yes, it will bring pain or despondency..it surely would..for the moment..unwanted yet inevitable..perhaps it should..reminding us that life does not always follow what we sought after..unpredictable it may be..no matter how well we prepared ourselves just to prevent it from happening..

go on..that the day would come that we're gonna say that it's better it happened that way..that it made you become stronger..it would not be a detrimental chapter in your journal but somewhat the point which gave you the inspiration to achieve more..to never take it as a punishment nor bad luck..to see it more as an opportunity to humbleth ourselves and become less complacent, yet still standing with pride and humility to accept challenges..

there is no such thing as failure..and if there is..we still can say we did our best..not exactly..we still can say we can do better..

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