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Saturday, December 3, 2011

the baby challenge

patience..we needed this virtue even more..taking care of a baby is really a big challenge..especially for first timers like us..the stories i have been hearing are true..sleepless nights can be inevitable..and all will never be the same again..our focus now is on the baby..

they say that crying is normal for babies..its their only way of communication for this stage of their life..it really breaks us when he cries..we'll leave everything behind and do everything in our capacity just to see him well and smiling..and prevent him from any harm..maybe that's what they call parent's instinct..and we're still learning..and we're still always figuring out what to do..what's the best thing to do..we need to understand human nature at its raw stage..

the road of parenting surely will be long and winding..bumps could be on the way..the trip may not always be smooth sailing..but no matter what..we'll still keep on moving..pass over any of the obstacles..up to the challenges..the road of parenting surely will be long and winding..and we already have taken the first steps..together we'll walk the miles..at the end of the road..we'll see him grown up..patting our back..

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