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Thursday, February 21, 2008

bluish fate

tell me..how can a dishwashing liquid make my mother’s mood blue?

it was suppose to be a regular thursday for my mom.. get up early.. go to school and teach those nasty kids some good old 2nd graders learning requirements.. go home after doing a little stop-over at the marketplace.. open the backdoor, which is beside the front door (believe me..our house has only two main doors and they are just beside each other).. and suddenly, after dropping her bags and some packs of guppies (small grayish fish worth one peso per piece in the local pet shops)..a terrifying scene almost dropped her heart to oblivion..Aurora’ death unexpectedly came about putting her mood into a grieving soul..

what had just happened? How did it happen? Why in the world would that happen?

she’s a child.. wild imagination.. quite secretive.. loves to play.. play everything that amuses her.. a dishwashing liquid.. maybe she likes something bubbly.. a single drop.. another drop.. and again.. curious.. a little more drop.. water turning blue and suddy.. joy antibac plus pure water equals deadly water.. bubbles.. more bubbles.. poor being.. so sad.. the substance might have been concentrating in her gills that moment.. poisoning her system.. little by little putting her into death.. poor being.. maybe it feels like breathing in sulfur dioxide.. no choice but to breath in again the toxins.. poor being.. the grim reaper must have been crying for the fate of this soul.. the end is just a little tragic for her.. she’s a child.. she does not know what she was doing.. but she surely will know that it’s wrong..

the guppies are for Aurora.. but we call her Aro for short.. actually we don’t know if it’s a he or a she..what we know is that my mom baptized her with that name so we just agrred that she’s a girl.. guppies, hollies and even gold fish are her favorites.. yes, quite expensive.. but mom make it sure that we does not feed her roaches nor lizards.

just last week, my sister texted me “Ui, bli k dw ng bulb para sa kwr2 mu..”.. reading between the lines.. they stole my fluorescent lamp to replace the busted lamp of the aquarium.. attachment is inevitable.. we even talk to her like she’s understanding the baby talks and stuffs.. harhar.. she’s different from the other fishes we kept pet in our aquarium since my childhood because we gave her a name and that made a big difference..

Aro was a vicious eater.. a natural predator in the wild. . it belong to kingdom animalia, phylum chordate, class actinopterygii, order osteoglossiformes, family osteoglossidae, genus scleropages, species s. formosus (nose bleed..)
Asian arowanas are considered "lucky" by many people, particularly those from Asian cultures. This reputation derives from the species' resemblance to the Chinese dragon, considered an auspicious symbol. The large metallic scales and double barbels are features shared by the Chinese dragon, and the large pectoral fins are said to make the fish resemble "a dragon in full flight."
In addition, positive Feng Shui associations with water and the colours red and gold make these fishes popular for aquariums. One belief is that while water is a place where chi gathers, it is naturally a source of yin energy and must contain an "auspicious" fish such as an arowana in order to have balancing yang energy. Another is that a fish can preserve its owner from death by dying itself. (thanks wikipedia!) so much for that blahs..
She’s a predator there in the wild but at home, she’s our pet.. dependent and vulnerable.. we’ll never forget her..

Just a couple of weeks after that incident, my aunt gave us another baby arowana as replacement but tragedy sometimes come unnoticed..not eating for days and guppies intertwining the food chain turning parasitism dominant.. Basty followed Aro’s fate swimming to the ocean of heaven..

right now..we’re keeping a baby flowerhorn..Cinderella..Cindy for short..just hoping she’ll stay with us for eternity..

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