

happily married ever after..

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Monday, February 14, 2011

let me see you smile..

i promised GOD..
i'll make you happy..
i'll take care of you..
but why..
failure i am..
tears are in your eyes..
please hush..
it breaks me..
wish i could turn back time..
never my intent..hurt you..
sorry i am..
let me see you smile..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


In the middle of the sultry investigation of the senate and congress on the issues of anomalous "pabaon", "pasalubong" and other corruption allegation bombarding the armed forces of the philippines..a steep diversion shocked the people upon hearing one of the accused shooting himself dead..a suicide made by angelo reyes indeed surprised the country..a paragon of courage seems to have been tainted with low emotional quotient..a critical piece of the puzzle for the inquiry now lost..

quoting wiki..suicide (latin suicidium, from sui caedere, "to kill oneself") is the act of a human being intentionally causing his or her own death. .suicide is often committed out of despair, or attributed to some underlying mental disorder which includes depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism and drug abuse..financial difficulties, troubles with interpersonal relationships and other undesirable situations play a significant role..

hara-kiri [japanese,=belly-cutting], the traditional japanese form of honorable suicide, also known by its chinese equivalent, seppuku. it was practiced by the japanese feudal warrior class in order to avoid falling into enemy hands..that’s according to columbia encyclopedia..

is committing suicide really an honorable thing to do when faced with scandal?? and who are his enemy whom his hands (secrets) could fall into?? is he protecting the other feudal warriors?? or is it loyalty to the empress??

how morbid it is for Filipino people..everybody just wanted to know the truth but nobody wants anybody to end up shooting himself for somebody..it should be a moment of redemption for him..but he wasted that chance..he could have been a hero in the history books who have helped uncovered the tempest of corruption in the military just like an honorable warrior would do..nay..he rather hear the 21-gun salute..condolences still..

just hoping the congressional probe will not halt despite this incident and seek the truth..this is the moment the filipino people is waiting for..let this be the commencement of the new political system we are dreaming about..thereby progress is on the way..like the president has promised..

and kudos to rabusa and mendoza..despite the risk..they decided to stand for what is right..a salute you deserve..