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Thursday, November 25, 2010

no limits

with a given magnetic core comes a maximum limit of which it can only hold or let the flow of flux..and any increase current would not anymore increase the flux density in the core..hence residual flux may be inevitable..

does that make any sense..harhar..the tides are really getting high nowadays..saturation..overload..when everything seems coming into you..and you tend to accept and accept and accept..

not foolishness..but rather victimized of earthly traditions and expectations..

yet if you think of it..that makes each and everyone of us live and keep moving on..challenge it is..dreaming a simple life can be so complicated..

if you find yourself thinking of many things..thinking the past..thinking what to do today..thinking tomorrow..be thankful..a normal human being do that..

if someone is teaching you something..don't pretend you're not learning..if someone is teaching you something over and over again..don't pretend you're not already mastering it..we sometimes tend to ignore some things that we should be thankful of..

with a given magnetic core comes a maximum limit of which it can only hold or let the flow of flux..and any increase current would not anymore increase the flux density in the core..hence residual flux may be inevitable..

in short, the iron core has its limits..but we can do more than that piece of iron..our brains can do more thinking..our body can be more flexible..our spirits can be more filled with enthusiasm..

there's a better life ahead..we just have to walk that way..and bring the good things we could pick along the way..you have the power to bring all that to the end..no limits..